

woman girl eyes blur
The streets were filled with people from all over Europe: Women dressed in long flowing dresses and large swinging skirts, the face hidden beneath a Bauta* or a Moretta*. Men were dressed in elegant jackets and powdered wigs, white silk stockings and elegant shoes, hiding their face with a mask. It was Carnival! Giacomo was...
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Carnevale Venezia 2015 Festa Veneziana Sull'Acqua
… or no Carnival 2021. That is the question. Museums are closed. Shopping centres are open. Drinking an aperitivo in the evening is allowed, but just while sitting and until 6 pm. Yes, you can have a walk, but not in touristy places. 2020. The year of regulations that change every week. And what about...
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Carnevale Venezia 2015 Festa Veneziana Sull'Acqua
Were you ever thinking about participating in the Venetian Carnival? To slip in one of those famous masks and to discover the city as Casanova or Colombina?  Or do you have by chance an Assassins Creed Costume? Parcours is actually forbidden in the city, but you will also be able to get some quite amazing...
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Galani: It’s one ot the traditional Carnival sweets in Venice and surroundings (the other one is called Frito’la) that you should definitely taste during your stay in the lagoon. Otherwise, in case you’re not gonna be here for Carnival and you want to bring some Carnival feeling to your home, you find the recipe for...
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Carnival ballo
According to a legend, all venetian weddings were celebrated (under the reign of the doge Pietro Candiano) once a year on the same day (early „mormon-ity“?): A brides-procession started from the Arsenale to continue on the Rio delle Vergini (River of Virgins) and to finish at the church of San Pietro di Castello, where the...
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Did you ever wonder about the origins of one of the most famous carnivals in the world and about how long it lasted in early times? One week, two months, …? Let’s have a look together at the history of carnival in Venice: The early beginnings of Carnival can be traced back to the year...
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Carnevale: Volo della Colombina
If you should happen to be in St Mark’s Square around midday on the 2nd Sunday of Carnival season, don’t wonder about all the spectators looking skywards, as one of the most important events is taking place in this very same day: the Volo della Colombina/dell’Angelo (the Dove’s/Angel’s Flight). The first Angel’s Flight took place...
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For Christmas my brothers and I made our mother a “Venetian present”: a mask decorating workshop in Venice. I found two bottege (ateliers) in Venice that looked promising to me and went there to have a look at the masks and to have some more info on the workshops. The first one I visited was...
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Sweet! The Arsenale is for the first time in Carnival history open to the public (from February 27th till February 4th 2014 30/31th of January and 4th-6th of February 2016), and from what I can tell the program is pretty neat: street artists, fireworks and live music. Not bad at all! Soooo, Sunday we finally...
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The carnival season has finally arrived! At last, the possibility to dress up as Casanova and hit the Venetian calli or to dress up as a Marchesa and visit a Venetian ball. But where to rent/buy a costume? Or would you prefer to create your own Venetian mask? Atelier Nicolao One of the most prestigious...
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Fritole aea venessiana
Finally! It’s carnival season again: Pantalone, Colombina and Casanova hit the streets! But they’re not the only ones to make their appearance in this time of the year, but also the typical Venetian sweets: the frito’le venessiane. That’s why I decided to share this recipe for the traditional raisin frito’le with you (but those with...
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  •   Eine sehr persönliche und interessante Führung, die auch Raum für Fragen gelassen hat. Beatrice kannte sich ausgezeichnet in der Geschichte Venedigs aus und hat es auch für die Kinder toll,... read more

    thumb Karina
    July 22, 2024
  •   Beatrice was just wonderful! She made this tour fun for both adults and kids - and we learned so much! Definitely to be recommended!!

    thumb Tonja
    February 19, 2024
  •   Wer in Venedig einen Blick abseits des Tourismus bzw. den großen Plätzen werfen will, denen kann ich die Tour mit Beatrice wirklich ans Herz legen. Gerade vielleicht am Anfang... read more

    thumb Chalin
    February 10, 2024
  •   Wir hatten sehr kurzfristig und spontan eine Tour mit Beatrice buchen können und waren sehr happy über diesen “Glücksgriff”! Sie hat uns wirklich tolle Ecken gezeigt, sehr viel Interessantes erzählt... read more

    thumb Monique
    August 28, 2023
  •   Vielen Dank für den wunderbaren Nachmittag-wunderbare versteckte Ecken in San Marco gesehen und reichlich Tipps für die nächsten Male bekommen wie Museen,Bars usw.

    thumb Jens
    November 8, 2022
  •   We had a total blast at Beatrices tour. She showed us a lot of hidden corners in Venice and we moved off the beaten track. She was super knowledgable, provided... read more

    thumb Tabea
    October 30, 2022
  •   Beatrice hat uns Venedig auf wundervolle Weise ein Stück näher gebracht. Auch mein Sohn war sehr interessiert dabei. Absolut empfehlenswert!!

    thumb Helena
    October 24, 2022
  •   sehr empfehlenswert !!!

    thumb Joachim
    October 24, 2022
  •   Toll!

    thumb Rebecca
    June 13, 2022
  •   Ich kann Beatrice herzlich empfehlen. Sie liebt Venedig, hat viel Wissen darüber und kann es bestens vermitteln, darüber hinaus in Ecken ohne Touristen.

    thumb Ivana
    June 8, 2022
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