In case you’ve already been to Venice – or if you know the romantic city on the water from films – you have certainly realized that the Venetians have a very particular rowing technique (just think of the gondoliere!): This technique is called voga alla veneta and is stilled practiced by Venetians, after so many centuries, as a hobby or in public competitions called “regata”.

The first historical testimony of the regatta

dates back to the middle of the 13th century and is tightly linked to the Festa delle Marie but some experts think that the origins of this competition lie back in the beginnings of the city’s history as the Republic had to train the Venetians in rowing. The first figurative representation dates back to the 15th century: A group of boats with the writing “regatta” is depicted on the famous map of Venice created by Jacopo dé Barbari.

The term “regatta” probably derives from “aurigare” (racing) and spread from Venice to other European countries in the 16th century.

Venezia - Regata Storica 2013: Gondoliere

Venezia – Regata Storica 2013: Gondoliere

The Regata Storica

takes place every first Sunday in September and begins with a pompous corteo storico (historical procession) in the Grand Canal followed by the (probably) most important regatta of the year.

You can assist the event from a swimming tribune, called „machina“, built up in front of the Palazzo and University Ca‘ Foscari that gives you the possibility to see the start/finish of the corteo storico and the regatta.

You can buy the tickets for the „machina“ online:

Adults: 60€

Adolescent: 6-18 anni: 30€

Youth under 6 years for free (accompanied by an adult)

In case you just refuse to pay a lot of money for a seat on the tribune you can assist the event for free from one of the fondamenta: You could either book a table (outside) in one of the cafés/restaurants alongside the Grand Canal (you will have to order something to eat or to drink) or you could have a seat alongside the Grand Canal (without blocking the walkway or the mooring spots!).

But before, you have to decide if you want to see the corteo/regatta once or twice: As the boats depart from the Giardini and then take the Grand Canal to reach the train station, where they turn around to reach the finish line at Ca‘ Foscari, you will see them only once from the Accademia Bridge. Every point between Ca’ Foscari and the train station Santa Lucia will permit you to see the boats twice.

In any case you should be at the fondamenta early enough to catch a place/seat.

Regata Storica: Corteo acqueo

Regata Storica 2013: Corteo Acqueo

The highlight of the regatta

is the regatta of the „gondolini“ with two rudders (normally the last competition of the day). Before you will assist:

  • Regatta of the caorline (6 rudders)
  • Women regatta on mascarete (2 rudders)
  • Regatta of the „Youngest“ on pupparini (2 rudders)
  • Regatta of the adolescents on mascarete (2 rudders) – Schie: up to 10 years; Maciarele junior/senior: up to 12/14 years

A Suggestion

Aside from the regatta of the „gondolini“ I was really fascinated by the talent of the youngest participants: Children that are only about 6/7 years old manage a rudder nearly double the size of themselves. Amazing!

Venezia - Regata Storica 2013

Venezia – Regata Storica 2013

  •   Beatrice was just wonderful! She made this tour fun for both adults and kids - and we learned so much! Definitely to be recommended!!

    thumb Tonja
    February 19, 2024
  •   Wer in Venedig einen Blick abseits des Tourismus bzw. den großen Plätzen werfen will, denen kann ich die Tour mit Beatrice wirklich ans Herz legen. Gerade vielleicht am Anfang... read more

    thumb Chalin
    February 10, 2024
  •   Wir hatten sehr kurzfristig und spontan eine Tour mit Beatrice buchen können und waren sehr happy über diesen “Glücksgriff”! Sie hat uns wirklich tolle Ecken gezeigt, sehr viel Interessantes erzählt... read more

    thumb Monique
    August 28, 2023
  •   Vielen Dank für den wunderbaren Nachmittag-wunderbare versteckte Ecken in San Marco gesehen und reichlich Tipps für die nächsten Male bekommen wie Museen,Bars usw.

    thumb Jens
    November 8, 2022
  •   We had a total blast at Beatrices tour. She showed us a lot of hidden corners in Venice and we moved off the beaten track. She was super knowledgable, provided... read more

    thumb Tabea
    October 30, 2022
  •   Beatrice hat uns Venedig auf wundervolle Weise ein Stück näher gebracht. Auch mein Sohn war sehr interessiert dabei. Absolut empfehlenswert!!

    thumb Helena
    October 24, 2022
  •   sehr empfehlenswert !!!

    thumb Joachim
    October 24, 2022
  •   Toll!

    thumb Rebecca
    June 13, 2022
  •   Ich kann Beatrice herzlich empfehlen. Sie liebt Venedig, hat viel Wissen darüber und kann es bestens vermitteln, darüber hinaus in Ecken ohne Touristen.

    thumb Ivana
    June 8, 2022
  •   Es war eine sehr schöne Tour und Beatrix konnte wirklich auf jede Frage eine Antwort geben.

    thumb Annette
    May 28, 2022
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