Will we ever find out who the mysterious M.M. in Casanova’s “Mémoires” really was? The only thing we know for sure is that the beautiful nun lived in the convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Murano) when she wasn’t stealing away by night to see her lovers.
The Church Santa Maria degli Angeli is one of last churches in Murano (in total three, apart from Santi Maria e Donato and San Pietro Martire) that survived the French occupation.
Today, Santa Maria degli Angeli seems rather decayed but doesn’t alter in any way the ancient charm of the building.
Construction of the convent
The convent was built in 1188 on a piece of land that the noble Ginevra Gradenigo gave to the abbess Giacomina Boncio. Who knows if Ginevra already knew about her destiny and the fact that her father Marino would oblige her to enter the same convent … ?
The current structure dates back to the 16th century and was even visited by the King of Poland and France, Henry III.
Furthermore, the convent housed numerous wealthy girls that guaranteed the prosperity of the convent till its closure in 1810. In 1848 the same destiny befell the church whose artworks are now visible in the Church San Pietro Martire (Murano).
In 1863 the church was reopened and partially converted into a hospital/sick bay.

Santa Maria degli Angeli
Fondamenta Venier/Calle San Nicolò
Opening hours
The Church Santa Maria degli Angeli can only be visited by appointment.