I love having a cultural walk through Venice in autumn when the weather is nice: This time I chose the Sestiere Cannaregio, thus the northern part of Venice, where you can also find the first Ghetto.
In case you happen to be in the Strada Nuova (direction Saint Mark) at the Santi Apostoli Church, turn left (north; not right to the Rialto Bridge) and continue straight ahead till you reach the Fondamente Nove and the Jesuit Church. (I took another way to reach the Fond.N., but it will be easer for you to find the church like this.)
On your way you will pass a local merchant with seasonal fruit and vegetables – in my case Halloween pumpkins (I would have liked to take one with me, but in the end I decided that having a walk through Venice with a 10-kg-pumpkin would not be very pleasant. Fortunately, I found a beautiful one in Mestre for Halloween. ) – the Palazzo Seriman and in the end the Campo dei Gesuiti.
The stunning face of the Jesuit Church (Chiesa dei Gesuiti or Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta), that was actually sponsored by the family Manin (you can still find their coat of arms on the face of the Church), is just breathtaking; like the interior of the church. I was overwhelmed by the beautiful decorations of the walls that imitate the fabrics covering the walls in Venetian palazzi und the pompous altar. The origins of the baroque church lie in the 17th century when the Jesuit order bought the former Crociferi church and the adjacent monastery to rebuilt and transform it.
In the Chiesa dei Gesuiti you will also find a painting of Tiziano: “The martyrdom of Saint Lawrence”