High Tide

Venice is not only known for it’s masks, the carnival, the historic palazzi and the canal grande, but also for it’s high tides, as the risk to find Venice under water is pretty high in autumn and winter, especially in November and December, due to different factors.

A very high water level would be 140cm (maybe once in 4 years), meaning that 59% of Venice would be covered by water (from 60cm in Piazza San Marco to some millimeters in higher parts of the city).

As the water level rises and sinks continuously, the city is not the whole day “under water” but only during peak hours (3 to 4 hours). So don’t desperate in case you find high water. Venetians are used to this phenomenon and there are different services that guarantee the normal functioning of the city: a high tide app, high tide alarm, maps with running board (or catwalk, if you prefer 😉 )-itineraries and … sexy wellies.

High Tide Meteo: Istituzione Centro Provisioni e Segnalazioni Maree

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